Dang, Aug 24: The Rapti Zonal Public Bus Entrepreneurs Committee is to operate bus service from Bhalubang of Dang to New Delhi, India.Committee Chairman Suresh Hamal said that the Committee is going to operate direct bus service from Bhalubang to New Delhi for the first time from August 29.
The bus would leave for New Delhi from Bhalubang on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from New Delhi to Bhalubang on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, according to the Committee. Two thousand rupees has been determined as transport fare from Bhalubang to New Delhi.
The Rapti Zonal Public Bus Entrepreneurs Committee, which had started its service with four buses in 2041 BS, has now been providing service to Kakadvitta, Biratnagar, Pokhara, Palpa and Mahendranagar.
Prakash Bhatta of the Committee said that around 700 buses of the Committee have been providing their service in the long and short route. RSS

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